Our Research Project with Pacific University
My relationship with the world of research began in 2018 after a successful meeting at Coffee Creek with Leonard Dunn (former head of Corrections Counseling) and Chris Randall (Corrections Rehabilitation Manager). Susan Stoltenberg, the Executive Director of the YWCA, had introduced me to this team to talk about bringing our program to the adults in custody (AICs) on the medium security side of Coffee Creek. There seemed to be many programs on the minimum side, but very few on the medium side so we agreed to start there. Mr. Dunn suggested that if we wanted our program to be more than just a volunteer program, we would need to research Insight to Wellbeing so that it would be an evidence-based practice. At this point, researching our program hadn’t even occurred to me. It made perfect sense, so we set out to identify a partner who could help. Little did I know what a research project would entail!

Minding the Gap
The underground train system in London (the Tube) is filled with old rail lines that date back hundreds of years. In more recent times, the old trains have been replaced by newer models that aren’t as big and clunky, which often creates a bigger gap between the train and the platform. There are big painted signs on the floor saying, “Mind the Gap.” The conductor often calls out over the loudspeaker for people to step over the gap between the platform and the train since you can fall down it!

Celebrating a Big Win for our Team!
Last week, we had the honor and privilege of greeting one of our participants during her release from Coffee Creek Correctional Facility. Mary, one of the lovely women who served as a mentor in our group at the women's facility, was granted clemency by Governor Brown. Here was the letter we initially received from Mary with the great news…

January 2021 Newsletter
We hope this newsletter finds you doing okay amidst all that's unfolded in our country this week. We're still at a loss for words as we process through the storming of our capital and the white supremacy that underpins it all. One thing we know for sure - our work is more important than ever. While it feels a bit weird to do "business as usual" today, we thought it timely and important to share information about the Global Change Incubator and other key happenings we've got going on. Feel free to reach out with any questions you have.
With lots of love, Anna and Lindsay, Co-Leaders

Being the Change We Want to See
I can’t believe we’re post Labor Day and heading out of summer and into fall. I hope you all are safe and out of danger from the recent fires. I don’t think I’m alone in saying this year has been surreal, unsettling, and maddening at times seeing humanity at its worst but also at its best. We have seen tremendous acts of kindness and people rising to the occasion of navigating all that's been thrown at them.
Here at the Insight Alliance we are feeling hopeful for REAL change. We are also working hard to contribute to that change through our work and advocacy efforts.

Resilience and Well-being in Prison
Life still continues to be up-and-down with COVID-19 restrictions, but we’re doing our best to stay connected with folx in prison and supporting them as they re-enter the community. I’ve loved creating our interactive newsletter - Moments of Insight - every couple of weeks. Beforehand, I couldn’t tell you the last time I received a hand written letter from anyone I knew. Now, with visitation restrictions still in place, we get sprinkled with them each week. People are sharing their art, their musings, poetry and also letting us know how they are doing amidst the actual lockdown.
I wanted to share some of the updates we have received from our community of participants in state and federal prisons and jail. The tenacity and resilience of the human spirit never ceases to amaze and inspire.

Care Not Confinement: Insights from Prison
Some months ago now, we were in one of our groups at Columbia River Correctional Facility and a participant (CR) had an insight which, to me, highlights the need for redirecting funds from policing to mental health services.

Standing in Solidarity with Calls for Racial Justice
I hope this newsletter finds you safe and healthy. We wanted to take some time to acknowledge all that’s been unfolding in our country over the last few weeks. I’d be lying if I said I’m finding it easy to come up with something meaningful or helpful to say. I’ve spent the morning waiting for something to come…..It’s been a struggle. What’s happening – the killing of innocent black people at the hands of those sworn to serve and protect - is unjust, fucked up and clearly showcases the overt racism black people and communities of color have experienced for decades.
Art by @shirien.creates

Thank you for all of your support!
I want to thank everyone who very kindly and generously donated to our #WeAreALifeline fundraiser. I also want to thank those of you who simply opened a post or newsletter and engaged, and read about the transformative work we are doing in Oregon's prisons and felt moved or felt hopeful.
Seeing people in prison wake up to their own true nature brings so much hope. It's inspiring seeing people who never thought they'd amount to anything start to live positive lives, get good jobs, reunite with their families, get custody of their kids back or free themselves from addiction.

#WeAreALifeline for Adults & Youth in Custody
Dear Friends and Supporters:
I hope you and your family are all staying safe and healthy during these turbulent and unprecedented times. The last few months have been a whirlwind and life altering for many people. Despite the challenges our world has faced, I have been incredibly moved by the acts of kindness I’ve witnessed everywhere I look.
It also gives me hope and renewed energy to find innovative and creative ways to serve the incarcerated adults and youth population we work with, who happen to know a thing or two about living in a lockdown. Anytime I think this is difficult for me, my mind pivots to the adults and youth who are living in prison. They are not only locked down, but have lost ALL visits, education, groups, meetings and most legal visits with lawyers. Many have lost jobs due to social distancing rules and therefore have no money to buy canteen for their basic needs and have little else to look forward to.

April 2020 Program Updates
I feel so fortunate that even with self isolation I still have freedom. Freedom to go for walks, freedom to connect with people on the internet, freedom to go get groceries. And the freedom to stay away from people.
Folks in prison don't have that same freedom. They are living in very close quarters, they often have poor physical and mental health and conditions are ripe for contracting COVID-19. As of last Friday all volunteers, visitors, and programs have stopped in Oregon prisons and jails. Groups like ours can be a lifeline to people who are struggling with all sorts of emotional and physical challenges, or simply feeling adrift, alone and caught up in regurgitating thought that won't quit. Our team at the Insight Alliance brings a sense of hope, kindness and love and that's not counting the incredible value of our Insight to Wellbeing programs.

March 2020 Program Updates
It's been a great few months at The Insight Alliance! We have several programs running right now in four different facilities (soon to be six). We continue to receive positive feedback about our programs.

Winter Newsletter 2020
Welcome Lindsay Jensen, our new Operations Manager! Lindsay is the newest member of our team and we are very excited to welcome her. She brings a wealth of experience in the nonprofit world, most recently serving in an Executive Director role.

A Huge Thank You and a Very Happy 2020
We’ve had an incredible year at The Insight Alliance. With your help we’ve been able to touch more people’s lives.

Autumn Update
We loved everything about our Fundraiser on Nov 7th. The evening was such a wonderful culmination of a really big year for The Insight Alliance. Thank you to all who came out to support us, we really appreciated it.

Fall Newsletter and Ted Talk
We’ve had a wonderfully busy and eventful summer/fall here at The Insight Alliance.

IOS Collective
Last year The Insight Alliance joined forces with One Solution in Chicago and the Spark Initiative in Florida to create the IOS collective. Founded on the idea that what we can do alone is nothing compared to what we can do together. The three organizations do similar work, just with different populations. One Solution works with inner city Chicago kids and youth in Palestine and Israel, The Spark Initiative works with troubled youth and in the school system. We’re united under a common mission: Uncovering the capacity of our mind to create individual, community, and systemic change.
2018 End of Year Recap
Happy Holidays and thank you for all of your support of The Insight Alliance. We have had a very fulfilling first year and want to share a few highlights with you.