Webinar Series
Our webinar series features interviews between Anna Debenham, our Program Director & Founder, and various teachers and practitioners who use an educational model similar to our own. We also included interviews with a number of our past program participants in this series!
Webinar #1: Seeing the Resilience in all Life with Barbara Patterson, March 22, 2020
Barbara is the owner of a global coaching and consulting company that brings the insights of State of Mind to clients around the world. She helps leaders, entrepreneurs and coaches access more clarity, creativity, have greater impact and higher levels of performance in work and life. Barb has lived and worked in Europe and the US. She has over 20 years experience coaching and working globally as both an internal executive and outside consultant. Her diverse global portfolio includes working with both large and small organizations and their leaders, supporting entrepreneurs in growing their businesses and mentoring other coaches.
Webinar #2: Real Change Happens when you Realize you're not Broken with Eirik Grunde Olsen, March 31, 2020
Eirik became fascinated by the relationship between the mind and human capability after his experience in the Norwegian military and deployment in the Middle East. He spent the next years working from this new understanding and founded NorthMind, a Scandinavian-based company working with individuals and leaders in addition to an Academy to train mentors of this understanding. Through the founding of NorthMind, Eirik came to the realization that this understanding could be applied to people across all fields, from individuals, to communities, and to the wider world. So, together with Mara Gleason, he then co-founded One Solution Global, whose sole purpose is to see if it’s possible to bring a single solution to solve the world’s most complex problems.
Webinar #3: Seeing Opportunities in the Midst of a Pandemic with Mara Gleason
Mara Gleason Olsen, Co-Founder and Director of One Solution Global, has enjoyed working with all walks of life throughout her career, including MIT-trained physicists, UN directors, US Marines, NHL players, Microsoft managers, prisoners, the Chicago PD, and teens from Southside Chicago and Gaza. Prior to founding One Solution, she co-founded and directed One Thought, a NYC and London-based company that trained hundreds of organizational leaders from around the world. She’s also the bestselling author of One Thought Changes Everything. Mara graduated with a Master’s degree from Columbia University in 2006, and currently lives in Chicago with her husband and co-director, Eirik, and several plants that she works hard to keep alive, despite their frequent travels.
Webinar #4: The Netflix Show in our Mind with Michael Neill
Michael Neill is an internationally renowned transformative coach and the best-selling author of six books including Supercoach, Creating the Impossible, The Inside-Out Revolution and The Space Within. Michael is often described as the ‘coach’s coach,’ and commands extraordinary respect within his field for unleashing the human potential with intelligence, humor, and heart.
He has spent the past 30 years as a coach, adviser, friend, mentor, and creative spark plug to celebrities, CEOs, royalty, and people who want to get more out of themselves and their lives. He has been consistently ranked by the international research agency GlobalGurus.org as one of the top 30 coaching thought leaders in the world.
Webinar #5: The Divine Physics of Us with Mavis Karn
Mavis Karn M.A., L.S.W. is a consultant/counselor/educator in private practice in St. Paul, MN. Her career has spanned 30+ years in the Twin City area and has included working with individuals, couples, families, businesses, agencies and prisons. She has done projects with runaways, gang kids in prison, athletic teams and individual athletes, treatment centers, business leaders, police departments, hospitals and schools. She has presented at many national conferences and also takes her work to South Africa. She mentors, trains and supervises other professionals as well.
Webinar #6: We’re all Human, we're all Okay and we all Feel Stuff with Dr. Amy Johnson
Amy Johnson, PhD is a psychologist, coach, author, and speaker who shares a groundbreaking new approach that helps people find true, lasting freedom from unwanted habits via insight rather than willpower. She is author of Being Human (2013), and The Little Book of Big Change: The No-Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit (2016). In 2017 she opened The Little School of Big Change, an online school that has helped hundreds of people find freedom from anxiety and habits and live a more peaceful life.
Johnson has been a regularly featured expert on The Steve Harvey Show and Oprah.com, as well as in The Wall Street Journal and Self magazine. Learn more at www.DrAmyJohnson.com.
Webinar #7: The Invisible Man with Aaron Turner
Aaron Turner received the first ever first-class degree achieved in Anthropology at Swansea University. He went on to do a Masters degree at Brunel University in Medical Anthropology. He worked at Brunel as a faculty member and a researcher at The Centre for Health Sickness and Disablement and got his PhD there. He was interested in how a deeper understanding of humanity could enable positive change or at least more mental freedom that might allow new ways of thinking or behaving and break old patterns.
As his academic career developed, Aaron was fascinated with the potential to understand and approach things differently. But he was starting to wonder how any of the research and analysis being done would translate into meaningful positive impact in the world when he stumbled onto the work his aunt and uncle were doing in the North West of America. Their work seemed to be based on a truly transformative insight into human functioning. The prospect of a new platform for change and understanding drew Aaron to study with George and Linda Pransky and their colleagues for several years. In 2000, he and his wife Lila moved to The States to work with them. Over the following 10 years, Aaron worked at the practice operating as the company’s CEO for 3 years. The work they did spanned many fields. They worked as individual, family and couples counsellors, did mediations and worked as training consultants pioneering much of the work being done in businesses and organisations.
Aaron was keen to apply their discoveries to organisational and business issues and challenges. At that time they were one of the first practices to apply their approach to organisational and leadership issues. In every area it was applied, the understanding brought significant improvement. Based on this experience, Aaron has dedicated his professional life to highlighting and applying the transformative potential of a Principle-based understanding of the mind to our current challenges and limitations highlighting the direct link between people’s state of mind and their outcomes. During his career, he has done this within individual and couples counselling, education and mediation and as a training consultant within businesses, organisational development, leadership development (corporate and military), sales training and team building.
Webinar #8: Living in Flow with Blue
Blue is a local artist and a past participant in our program at Columbia River Correctional Institution. He was born on the left coast, sojourned east, then returned to the local Portland area. Blue currently reside minutes from the stomping grounds of his youth. He describes himself as being, “steeped in popular culture and a food appreciator.” His art career has been a been a huge success. From working on theater sets to motorcycle shop walls to storefront windows and to tiny pieces of wood- there is no project too large or too small. Blue also manages a local art studio.
Webinar #9: It’s Not About Easy, It’s About Knowing You’re Okay with Brooke Wheeldon-Reece
Brooke Wheeldon-Reece, MBA, is the President/CEO of The SPARK Initiative, Inc. She is the co-author of the S.P.A.R.K. (Speaking to the Potential, Ability and Resilience inside Kids) Mentoring Programs which are currently being taught to 1,000’s of children in Tampa and around the world. Prior to her work with The SPARK Initiative, she was a national trainer for the Mendez Foundation’s nationally recognized Too Good for Drugs and Violence prevention programs. She also spent time as a business consultant and curriculum developer for Verizon and Learning.com.
Brooke knew she found her home with The SPARK Initiative after watching her husband come out of a deep depression with seemingly little effort. She now dedicates her work to creating sustainable change throughout all populations via mentoring, coaching and teaching an understanding of the mind. Brooke lives in Florida with her husband Will and their children.
Webinar #10: Making it Count with Kary Youman and Jarell Lambert
Kary is a heart-centered human with 10+ years of professional experience cultivating relationships and helping people break through limiting beliefs with a specialized focus on mentorship of inner-city youth. He has experience interfacing directly with people from all walks of life and has played a role in facilitating workshops around topics such as growth, change management, youth empowerment, customer relations, digital marketing, peak performance, stress management, diversity in the work-place, and nonviolent communication.
Jarell Lambert is a former Insight Alliance program participant at CRCI. He lives near Portland, Oregon and continues to be heavily involved in the fight for social and racial justice. He is one of the founding members and Executive Director of Liberation Literacy.
Webinar #11: Be the Change you Want to See with Dajohn White
The Rebels for Peace was founded by Dajohn White after he had an insight about how all the things that seemed unsolvable like the circle of violence, retaliation, poverty, etc. all actually could be solved, if we looked at the mind, instead of complaining about what can't be done. He went from hopeless to hopeful, and now spend his time sharing this with as many people as he can about that. People that feel good, do good! More teenagers has now joined his side, bringing a whole new and unique solution to problems that have been stuck for along time. www.rebelsforpeace.org
Webinar #12: Finding my Place with Brandon Brown
Brandon has been a part of the Insight to Wellbeing program since Anna started teaching at Columbia River Correctional Institution in 2016. This understanding has helped Brandon quiet his mind and has kept him focused. He’s currently working at an awesome job at Rapid Response Bio Clean, he’s buying his first home, becoming a full time parent and overcoming obstacles daily. Brandon is with the Insight Alliance because he believes in our message and the people.
Webinar #13: Finding Happiness in Prison with Karl Armstrong
Recently was released from 15 years in prison and now working at Sierra Springs. Karl is an active volunteer for The Insight Alliance. Karl co-founded Liberation Literacy at Columbia River Correctional Institution – building social justice literacy in prisons in order to re-imagine and re-articulate the relationship between incarceration, our community, and ourselves. Karl brings extensive knowledge of the prison system, the needs of former and present inmates, and serves as an advocate for the incarcerated population.
Webinar #14: Finding Peace in the Now with Dicken Bettinger
Dicken Bettinger, Ed.D., has had a long career as an educator and licensed psychologist. In January of 2012 Dicken founded Three Principles Mentoring to guide individuals, groups, and organizations in deepening their understanding of the Three Principles.
Dicken leads business leadership and management programs for companies across the United States. These programs teach employees what it takes to be resilient and agile in the face of business challenges and rapidly changing environments. He coaches CEOs and their leadership teams in raising the bar on their productivity, teamwork, and business success. He also leads seminars around the world in the Three Principles as taught by his teacher Mr. Sydney Banks. These seminars teach the foundations behind mental well-being and healthy psychological functioning.
Dr. Bettinger is a graduate of St. Lawrence University, received his Master’s Degree from Penn State University, and his Doctorate in Counseling Psychology from Boston University. He is passionate about teaching business teams, individuals, groups, couples and families about how their minds work and about the unlimited capacity people have for new thinking.
Webinar #15: The Unlimited Potential of All Humans with Jacqueline Hollows
With over 20 years of delivering services and senior management experience in industry Jacqueline Hollows changed direction in 2012 after learning about a new understanding of how the mind works and its relationship to addiction, compulsion and mental health. Jacqueline became passionate about eliminating stigma, building communities and revolutionising the way mental health and addiction is viewed and treated, particularly within the Criminal Justice System. Jacqueline founded Beyond Recovery C.I.C in 2013 and has been working within the prison system and the community since then delivering workshops and services to those suffering with addiction and mental health issues and the professionals who support them. As part of this work Jacqueline has mentored a growing team of practitioners and volunteers; created a number of professional programmes and become known internationally as a speaker. A keen social entrepreneur, Jacqueline’s call to action is ‘just go do it’.
Webinar #16: The Intelligence that Moves Us with Nicola Bird
Nicola Bird is the founder of A Little Peace of Mind, which she created to share her revolutionary approach to anxiety, panic attacks and stress. A lifetime experience of pushing herself to do more and be more led to outward success but also a secret struggle with panic attacks and anxiety. Nicola's work now is to share the same understanding that personally set her free.
Webinar #17: The Spirit Within with Ketra (Sevyn) Hale
Sevyn is a teacher and mentor with the Insight Alliance. She is also a past program participant having gone through Insight to Wellbeing during her time at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility (CCCF). Sevyn works full time in the food industry and is doing really well in her life. She is also an advocate for women who are experiencing incarceration. We recently shared this video with the women at CCCF and had many of them in tears with her words of hope.
Webinar #18: A Little Bit of Truth Goes a Long Way with Sandy Krot
Sandy Krot is a pioneer in translating a Principle- based understanding of human thought to leadership and organisational effectiveness.
Sandy is a graduate of Bates College and the University of New Haven. She founded one the first principle-based programs in the US – in Tampa, Florida serving as Executive Director. She played a crucial role in the earliest attempts to turn an understanding of human thought into a working psychology and was a founding member of the first national faculty.
Sandy consults with executives, leadership teams, and working groups in Fortune 100 companies for more than fifteen years. She partners with the consulting group Insight Principles and has recently co-authored a book entitled; Invisible Power: Insight Principles at Work.
Sandy shares her life with her partner Peter and together they built their net-zero-energy home in northwest Washington. They get out into the awesome Pacific Northwest wilderness regularly sea kayaking as well as hiking and backpacking with their dog.
Sandy loves exploring the great outdoors with her partner.
Webinar #19: Working with Syd Banks - Elsie Spittle’s Story
Elsie Spittle has been an internationally recognized trainer and consultant for over four decades. She is one of the few people who knew Sydney Banks, originator of the Three Principles, before he had his profound insight, and who stuck by him, despite her own early strong resistance.
Elsie had the privilege of receiving “on the job” training directly from Mr. Banks, travelling with him to address mental health practitioners, educators, and others seeking a deeper understanding of life.
Webinar #20: Appreciating the Nature of Thought with Cathy Casey
Cathy Casey is a highly skilled & experienced trainer of the 3 Principles understanding of experience. Her work ranges from corporate consulting with blue-chip companies through to the public sector such as health and hospital programs, government organizations, and juvenile and adult criminal justice systems. Cathy is especially known for pioneering the 3 Principles to prison inmates in the California Correctional System. Because of her experience of having a father who is a world war 2 veteran, her current vision is to bring the principles to all veterans of any war. Cathy is currently teaching veterans who are incarcerated.
Webinar #21: Living in the Moment with Linda Pransky
Linda Pransky went to graduate school at The University of Washington in 1975. She specialized in psycho-social nursing, because she had an interest in learning how people change. She learned techniques and approaches to helping people, but nothing seemed long-lasting and beneficial. When she met Sydney Banks in 1976 she saw a way for people to really change. Her vision became one of helping people seek real and long lasting change. Linda is currently on the executive committee of the Three Principles Global Community, and is a recent faculty member for the One Thought Institute and Partner at Pransky and Associates.
Webinar #22: Just Happy Where I Am with Susan Marmot
Susan has been helping people with their health since 2002. She gained her licentiate after training for 4 years at The College of Homeopathic Education in London. Since then she has run her practice from Covent Garden and worked at Helios homeopathic pharmacy for many years. Susan has a long track record of helping clients and their families maintain their health naturally.
In 2013, after many years of searching for ways to feel better emotionally, Susan came across something that gave her everything she was looking for. This lead Susan to train to become a practitioner on the One Thought Institute.
She is a faculty member in the One Thought Practitioner training, and a senior facilitator on the Relationship Ready programme, helping people understand dating and relationships in a new and clear way.
Susan is also proud to be part of the Beyond Recovery team where she has, for the last three years, been a leading team member in a pioneering initiative teaching this new understanding of the mind to inmates in UK prisons.
Susan has two lovely grown up sons.
Webinar #23: Now Is All There Is with David Saunders
Dave discovered that he had been living in his negative thinking while in a group in prison called Beyond Recovery. After this initial insight, Dave went on a journey of discovery. Not only did he experience Peace of Mind for the first time in his life, he discovered answers to questions he didn’t even know he had, and started to experience more compassion, empathy and love. Dave hasn’t just turned his life around, he has a totally different life. He has trained as a Beyond Recovery Practitioner and Mentor and he is dedicated to helping and showing those who are suffering how to have an easier life through the understanding of the 3 Principles.
Webinar #24: Finding Emotional Freedom with Christine Heath
Christine Heath has been working as a marriage and family therapist, supervisor and consultant to human service businesses for 35 years! Her passion is to help people to realize that they are able to recover from any trauma or mental distress. They can save their marriages and create healthy families. She helps people to realize that they are born innately healthy and this gift can help anyone to live in mental well being at anytime in their life. She does this by pointing people to the 3 Principles, as discovered by Sydney Banks. Mind, Thought and Consciousness are the spiritual gifts that create everyone’s psychological reality. The discovery of these principles has been powerful because they make change easy and work the same way in everyone! As people realize how these Principles work, they are able to make their unique changes necessary to be happy and live peaceful lives. Everyone can change and be healthy……no matter what!
Webinar #25: A Gentler, More Peaceful Life with Robin Charbit
Robin began his career as a chemical engineer with Exxon in 1981, having received his education at Sheffield University in the UK, and eventually led one of Exxon’s international plastics businesses. He joined Arthur D. Little in 1992 first in Europe and ultimately, in Boston, where he led and managed the North American Chemicals Practice.
With a colleague, he left the more classical consulting world and founded Insight Management Partners, to bring an understanding of how the mind works into business. He then met Ken Manning and they joined forces to create Insight Principles.
Robin was born in the UK to French parents and met his Belgian wife Sabine, in Switzerland. They now live in Boston. When time permits, Robin enjoys all things mechanical (cars, wood-working, home projects) and is an avid cinemaphile.