Being the Change We Want to See

Posted by Anna Debenham, September 10, 2020

I can’t believe we’re post Labor Day and heading out of summer and into fall. I hope you all are safe and out of danger from the recent fires. I don’t think I’m alone in saying this year has been surreal, unsettling, and maddening at times seeing humanity at its worst but also at its best. We have seen tremendous acts of kindness and people rising to the occasion of navigating all that's been thrown at them.

Here at the Insight Alliance we are feeling hopeful for REAL change. We are also working hard to contribute to that change through our work and advocacy efforts. 

A Lifeline for Adults & Youth in Prison and on Parole

Our newsletters, webinars, Zoom groups with the youth at MacLaren, and work in the community (Project 180) continue to be essential for the adults and youth we serve. 

We recently received this feedback from an Adult in Custody (AIC) via our supervisor at Columbia River Correctional Institution (CRCI) :

“First off, I love the meaningful information this group is teaching me. I am learning so much, I can honestly say I am thinking a lot less about the past that has haunted me and I am now starting to gain control of myself and I am taking accountability, as I need to, on a daily basis. This group has showed me how to live right now this second, this moment. Not yesterday or tomorrow, but right this very moment and as a sexually and physically abused person I feel amazing. I need to be part of this group. I need to pass this experience froward.”

Endorsing Measure 110

We recently endorsed our first ballot measure - Measure 110 (formerly known as IP44). In a nutshell, this measure will take a more effective, humane approach to helping people struggling with addictions versus incarcerating them. This ballot measure doesn’t legalize any drugs. Rather, it removes criminal penalties for small amounts of personal possession of drugs and connects people with drug treatment and recovery services. Using funds from Oregon’s existing marijuana tax, Measure 110 will greatly expand access to drug treatment and recovery services throughout the state. Anyone who wants services will be able to get them, not just those who have the funds or the “right” insurance plan. There are far too many people in prison for their addictions. We see firsthand how little prison helps with addiction, and how much more effective recovery would be if people were given the support and healthcare they needed. Please join us in voting YES on Measure 110! 

Voter Registration Drive 

We are teaming up with Victory Project PDX to organize a voter registration drive on September 22nd from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.. We are getting the word out to people transitioning from prison, houseless neighbors and other community members who have been marginalized, and reminding them that their voice matters! It will be a socially distanced, in-person event and lunch and popsicles will be provided. For those who can’t join us in person, but want support registering to vote, we’ll also have volunteers helping people virtually. Follow us on social media or on our events calendar for more details. 

We Rise Together 

We are also gearing up for our first week-long virtual fundraising event titled 'We Rise Together' from October 12th through 16th. Like many organizations, we’ve never done this before. And, we're really excited about creating something new and deeply engaging. The focus of this event is around re-imagining the criminal justice system, a conversation that is top of mind for many people during this historic time in our country. 

We have multiple happenings going on throughout the week including an educational series focused on the criminal justice system, a live art auction, cooking class, benefit concert and more. We are teaming up with local leaders, elected officials and performers to make this week a powerful one. Here are some of the guests you can expect to hear from during the event: 

  • Mike Schmidt, Multnomah County District Attorney

  • Bobbin Singh, Executive Director, Oregon Justice Resource Center 

  • Ron Wyden, United States Senator for Oregon 

  • Storm Large, musician, author, actor and playwright

  • Mr. Gee, Poet & Radio Presenter

  • Folsom 50, a musical group that explores Johnny Cash’s work around prison reform 50 years later

  • And so many more amazing people! 

We really hope you can join us for what will be a fantastic week supporting The Insight Alliance and, in turn, supporting the liberation of all the many people effected by the criminal justice system. You can visit the event website here:

In solidarity,
Anna Debenham


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