The Impact of Covid 19 on those Experiencing Incarceration
Our work supporting people in prison is more important than ever as people sit in cells without their education programs, without their religious or spiritual groups, without support groups and without visits from their friends and family. Many have lost their jobs in prison due to the inability to socially distance and, therefore, lost the ability to make money. And people rely on the commissary for all their basic needs. Not to mention, this has been going on since mid-March. Quarantining and lockdown are a regular occurrence. I can't imagine spending 22 hours a day in a room no bigger than my bathroom for months on end, can you?

Thank you for all of your support!
I want to thank everyone who very kindly and generously donated to our #WeAreALifeline fundraiser. I also want to thank those of you who simply opened a post or newsletter and engaged, and read about the transformative work we are doing in Oregon's prisons and felt moved or felt hopeful.
Seeing people in prison wake up to their own true nature brings so much hope. It's inspiring seeing people who never thought they'd amount to anything start to live positive lives, get good jobs, reunite with their families, get custody of their kids back or free themselves from addiction.

Meet the Team: Roxanne Thomas & Karl Armstrong
We recently connected with our board members to ask them about why they joined our board and support the work our organization is doing. Their responses are SO great! Below, we are spotlighting two of our board members – Roxanne Thomas and Karl Armstrong. We hope you will join them in supporting The Insight Alliance by contributing or becoming a monthly giver. Donate today:

Reaping what we Sow?
I occasionally wonder if some people think, “Why would I support people in prison when there are so many things and other people I can support?” Let’s be honest, people in prison aren’t exactly puppies and babies.
So, I want to say a thing or two about people who are incarcerated in this county. This is based on working with hundreds of men, women and youth in prisons both in the US and in England. People don’t start out bad. They don’t come into this world as criminals. People are good at their core. Babies are pure love. And then life happens. There’s trauma; there’s mental health issues; there’s poverty; there’s addictions; there’s neglect; there’s abuse; there’s racial inequalities. Many people in prison were raised in foster care or homes not fit for children, often shifted from one place to another from a young age rather than in a stable loving home. All this contributes to people ending up in prison.

Meet the Team: Amelia Pape & Glenn Dahl
We recently connected with our board members to ask them about why they joined our board and support the work our organization is doing. Their responses are SO great! Below, we are spotlighting two of our board members – Amelia Pape and Glenn Dahl. We hope you will join them in supporting The Insight Alliance by making a contribution or becoming a monthly giver. Donate today:

#WeAreALifeline for Adults & Youth in Custody
Dear Friends and Supporters:
I hope you and your family are all staying safe and healthy during these turbulent and unprecedented times. The last few months have been a whirlwind and life altering for many people. Despite the challenges our world has faced, I have been incredibly moved by the acts of kindness I’ve witnessed everywhere I look.
It also gives me hope and renewed energy to find innovative and creative ways to serve the incarcerated adults and youth population we work with, who happen to know a thing or two about living in a lockdown. Anytime I think this is difficult for me, my mind pivots to the adults and youth who are living in prison. They are not only locked down, but have lost ALL visits, education, groups, meetings and most legal visits with lawyers. Many have lost jobs due to social distancing rules and therefore have no money to buy canteen for their basic needs and have little else to look forward to.