Supporter Spotlight: Forrest Hoffmaster

Posted by Lindsay Jensen, March 27, 2020

We are working to spotlight our amazing supporters each month via our blog and newsletter. This month, I had the pleasure of connecting with Forrest Hoffmaster, CEO of New Seasons Market. Here’s what he had to say about the work the Insight Alliance is doing:

1.     Why did you first give to our organization?

I think like most people, we all want to find ways to help whether that’s through giving our resources or time. It’s not always easy to know how or where to lend a hand. For me, the mission of The Insight Alliance is a natural fit and reflects my deepest passions and own personal mission.

What I saw that night (at the annual fundraiser) were incredible individuals who had experienced unimaginable challenges, expressing a deeper love and respect for themselves, for others around them and wanting to contribute positively to the world.

While not a physical prison, I remember a time in my life when I felt trapped and without the language or map to navigate the emotions and feelings that seemed to consume me and negatively impact the people I truly loved. It took loss and pain, and a bit of luck and generosity on the part of others to help me discover a new path. This new path was filled with a greater love for myself, the tools to manage the everyday challenges of life and knowing how to live my life with greater love and a desire to serve others. My larger self was always there - I just couldn’t see it.

The stories from the individuals that night touched me. I believe in the work and saw results manifested in person. That’s powerful. The human spirit is powerful. It’s work that makes a difference.

2.     What interests you most about organization? Why?

To create real change, we first need to change within. We also need to engage with people wherever they are at (emotionally, mentally, etc.) The Insight Alliance connects with people in the darkest of confined places with courage and fearlessness where most others might be afraid to go. We are all human beings and love is at our core. I appreciate that The Insight Alliance sees that and walks toward it, rather than away from it.

Our systems are broken. We turn away from people in our community that are suffering, rather than finding ways to bring them into it. It’s not enough to rely on the education system, public service or a deteriorating social infrastructure to strengthen the foundation of humanity and to meet the growing demands on individuals. Instead, we need a committed community of individuals willing to step up and care for each other and provide mentorship and eldership.

The Insight Alliance does that in every conceivable way and works to address the first issue of how we see ourselves and others in our communities.

3.     What are you most passionate about? 

I care about the heart of others, how we show up for one another and how that inspires change. That’s it. At our company, we are building community around good food. My life has been centered around food, our growers, family, people I love and the impact we all have on one another. 


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